Jack’s Law Finally Becomes Official

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If you bother someone else with a difficult question the answer will immediately reveal itself to you from another source.

Jack Feschuk, 2023

I find that I whenever I bother someone else, taking up their valuable time, with a problem of my own that the answer suddenly appears to me from somewhere else. This is despite investing immense resources into resolving the issue on my own over weeks.

I’ve been seeing this happen to me for ages now so I’ve decided to name it Jack’s Law and make it an official law of the universe.

As much as I would like for this to be humorous it is more embarrassing to me as it means I always end up wasting someone else’s time only to find the answer on my own.

Perhaps its asking someone else verbally that lets me rethink the problem which begets the solution but whatever the reason, its the law of my universe…

You can find the page dedicated to this universal law here.